Opening Reception | yakisugi by MR. TOMONOSHi!: Friday 6 - 9 PM

24 May 2024 

ART IS BOND. and the TOMONOSHi! Company is pleased to present "yakisugi" an

exhibition by MR. TOMONOSHi!  in which the maker reshapes raw, found material into poetic expressions of Nature's resilience. The exhibition features two motifs rooted in

MR.TOMONOSHi!'s practice: the first "yakisugi" explores the gentle reshaping of nature into simple forms that can exist in our living rooms or in our gardens. The second

"yakisugi", in which the maker utilizes the flame as a catalyst for the spiritual purification of Nature and its transition into a new purpose. 

The works showcased in this exhibition embody the spiritual essence of Nature - each work harmoniously fits back into the natural landscapes of the ecosystems in which the material was found, thereby reconnecting the observer’s inner-nature with Mother Nature.

'The only two things we can offer Mother Nature is our imagination and our craftmanship', notes MR. TOMONOSHi!, 'Nature's beauty is simple. It does not seek understanding. We live with Nature, Nature does not live with us; however, there must always be a place for Nature

in our homes'.

This is the way...