Community Portrait Day x ArtfullyHTX: In Partnership with ALMAAHH

21 January 2024 

Community Portrait Day at ART IS BOND. returns THIS SUNDAY, January 21st, from 12 PM - 4 PM! Our exhibiting artist, Troy Ezequiel Montes, will be taking complimentary portraits of YOU, our amazing community members. 

Throughout the event, join us for an interactive celebration of creativity and community during the inaugural installment of our ArtfullyHTX series from 1 PM - 3 PM. ArtfullyHTX is a hands-on experience that gives participants the opportunity to explore our exhibitions through handmade crafts.
We are proud to be partnering with the Advocates of a Latino Museum of Cultural and Visual Arts & Archive Complex in Houston, Harris County (ALMAAHH) to highlight the beauty and cultural significance of textiles in Cielo Azul / Cielo Nublado. Local artists Tina Hernandez and Laura Lopez Cano will guide guests through the process of creating their own manteles, which are featured prominently throughout the exhibition.